Saturday, December 13, 2008

new digs

Where the magic happens.

The Peace Corps shelves.

Possibly the most hilarious thing in my room. The nursing students who lived here before me left this up on the wall--and have asked me not to take it down until they can come and retrieve it. Just in case you don't understand it, it's a poster that explains the various methods of family planning. Attached to it are: an intrauterine device, a packet of birth control pills, a vial of Depo-Provera, a condom and a "collar" that is supposed to help you count your fertile days, but which I think doesn't really do anything to prevent pregnancy. "Eso no es muy confiable," I always say. It's great waking up every morning to a diagram of a sterilized man.

The stove that was so much trouble to get.


Tyler said...

Can I get one of those necklaces in the states? I've still got some Christmas shopping to do...

Bellesouth said...

Fertility necklace. whoda thunk.